
Advance 7 – 10 Best ways to write an Article which Ranks

It’s difficult, if not impossible, to be successful at content marketing without generating blog posts consistently. Every effective blog is created on a solid foundation of content, but the consistency and reliability are the real keys to winning search engine rank.

Blogging is an inward bound marketing strategy that genuinely works. You can produce more competent leads through blogging. Regardless of the industry you’re in, you can establish a blog, utilize tools like a character counter,  and begin creating high-quality content.

However, to drive more leads to your business and rank well in Google, you need more. You have to have a system and structure that you can employ regularly. It will help you expand your brand, achieve your target audience, and develop your search engine ranking.

Having insight and understanding of SEO is crucial to creating your website presence. To achieve that, you have to carry out some proven strategies to enhance your rank in Google. Here’s some:

1. Mobilize Your Content Tools

Before diving into content writing, ensure that you have quality tools that assist you in the formation of your content. You can break down these tools into common types: those for obtaining high-quality images, those for editing and writing, and those for enhancing the search optimization of the article that you’re writing.

2. Optimize your Content

Google is continuously adjusting its search algorithm. To guarantee that you remain on top of the search results page, you have to look further than today’s strategies and concentrate on long-term tactics that will keep you on top.

3. Update Regularly.

The world changes endlessly, and Google intends to offer its users with the most updated and recent content possible.

To enhance your article’s search results in Google, you must update them regularly. This does not have to be a complicated process. All you have to do is do a few revisions to the post, and Google will acknowledge the changes.

4. Create Blog Posts with Practical Value

For your blog posts to genuinely provide value, you have to make them practical. Keep in mind that your readers are sick of reading common blog posts. They wish for something relevant and useful.

The more actionable and unique your blog posts are, the more power your article and blog have to pull in rank and traffic. This then further heightens your leads, search traffic, and community engagement levels.

5. Answer Customers Questions

If a potential customer has queries about your service or product, he’ll perhaps type it into Google. So, write content that satisfies possible questions, and he will surely visit your site. Plus, if your responses are better than those of your rivals, you may acquire a new client.

6. Grow Existing Contents

Google prefers new content. This means  content that has been recently updated or recently published. Updating previous posts that are already operating decently in organic search but have merely seen a fall in traffic is an excellent shortcut to improving that organic traffic.

7. Bring Together Contributor Quotes

One of the most significant ways to make your post stronger is by combining quotes from experts and influencers. This genuinely improves social sharing and makes for decent networking to create articles both sides care about.

Associating with sales experts, social media enthusiasts, and knowledge experts are always good business.

8. Boost your Images

An often-forgotten way to improve your article’s ranking is by boosting the photos you’ve utilized. Even if you only have a few photos, you can effortlessly optimize them for improved SEO results.

9. Build Up your Links

One of the most excellent tactics for rank with SEO is the links that lead to your articles.

Push your content for backlinks.

The most excellent way to obtain higher search engine rankings for your posts is to secure a few backlinks from other sources. Build up your content by incorporating links to others in your posts and articles.

Carry out more internal linking.

The simplest and easiest way to develop the links to your articles is doing it internally. While it is hard to persuade others to connect to your content, you can do it for free on your site.

10. Go Further Than the Text

As the Internet grows to be centered on more than just text, you can enhance your Google search results by incorporating beyond just words.

Add in social sharing buttons.

With the dawn of social media, more and more individuals intend to share your content with their followers and friends on their social media channels. If you do not have social sharing on your site, well, it’s time to add it.

Set in various types of media.

If you aren’t incorporating other forms of media in your articles, you have to be. It’s a great way to earn momentum for your product and offer even more enhanced content for your readers and visitors. 

Final Thoughts

There are loads of tutorials and discussions on how to create a blog post. And well, several of them are great, reliable manuals. But what’s the point of a brilliantly written blog post if you can’t make it on Google’s first page? It’s like dancing to a vacant theater.

Here’s the challenge now: writing an appealing, useful blog post that also gets on Google’s rankings. There’s no magic spell you can use to cut the process and get your article on rank. You have to be smart and innovative.