
Why You Need Automated Website Backup?

When it comes to managing a disaster, there are two critical aspects – avoiding a disaster and recovering from it (if disaster strikes). Any good disaster management plan usually includes both these elements. When you run and manage a website, disaster can strike from anywhere and at any time. From unintentional deletion of critical files by employees to a virus or malware causing havoc, the risks are many. Hence, you need a website backup to ensure that you can offer uninterrupted site services in the event of a disaster. Focusing on security is important while looking for web hosting services as it helps keeps hackers at bay. However, it is important to also look for automated website backup to ensure that you always have the latest copy of your website available with you.

While most site owners are aware of the importance of a website backup, they tend to put it off for later for various reasons. The backup process can be tedious. Also, many site owners feel that since they have invested in reliable web hosting services, they don’t necessarily need a backup. This leads to neglecting one of the most important disaster recovery steps. Since manual backups require your attention every time, the chances of neglecting them are higher. This is where automatic website backup solutions like CodeGuard Website Backup work best.

Here are some reasons for using an automated website backup tool:

1. Convenience

While with manual backups, you have to keep track of backing up your site, an automatic backup tool ensures that you are not bothered with the process. Such tools automatically run the backup at a predetermined time and send you an email confirming the completion of the backup. Further, tools like CodeGuard Website Backup store the files on a cloud server, giving you instant access to it if needed. You can schedule the backup based on the site traffic and can also take multiple backups in a day.

2. Security

Most site owners store the backup files on a local computer or flash drive. While this seems convenient, it also exposes the files to security breaches and data loss due to a hardware failure. Hence, local drives are not one of the most secure places to store website backups. Since automated backup tools use cloud storage networks, they benefit from the enterprise-grade hardware used by them making the backup more secure.

3. Quick Recovery

Automated website backup tools offer the benefit of restoring the past working copy of your site in no time. This is a huge advantage to site owners as it allows them to ensure uninterrupted services to their site visitors.

4. Saves time

Automated backup tools save time since you don’t have to manually run them every day. Also, in the event of a disaster, since you can restore your site quickly, these tools can save you days of the effort of rebuilding your site from scratch.

Summing Up

As you can see, the automatic backup process of CodeGuard makes running and managing a website simpler and less time-consuming. Many hosting providers offer automated daily backups. While these can be an excellent way to add a layer of reliability to your site’s services, ensure that you have a manual/automated backup process in place to ensure that you always have the latest copy of your site available.

 The following video explains how CodeGuard Backup boosts your website: