
PDF to HTML: Benefits of Turning Static Content Into Interactive Articles


No one likes being talked at. We’ve all been inundated with traditional, static marketing every second of our entire lives. At best, it simply becomes noise to filter out.

At worst, it runs the risk of alienating the audience you’re trying to attract.

Interactive articles eliminate all of these downsides, at once. And that’s just the beginning of what interactive articles are capable of.

Today, we’re going to show you how you can convert PDF to HTML easily and quickly. Keep reading to find out how converting PDF to HTML can benefit you and your organization!

1. Better SEO

PDF documents aren’t optimized to be found by search engines. Search engines crawl web pages looking for specific things, which are formatted in a predictable way. PDFs don’t follow this structure so search engines can’t find what they’re looking for.

When we create content for our organization, we want it to do as much good as possible. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is big business, these days.

Content conversion services help you have the best of all worlds, allowing you to convert PDF to HTML with a simple click of a button. Your PDF is uploaded to the HTML formatter when you upload your document to a PDF to HTML converter site. You’re then given a brand-new, interactive HTML document that’s fully optimized for SEO and SEM!

If you want to try it out for yourself, click for PDF HTML services.

2. Optimized For Mobile

Mobile devices aren’t great with PDFs. On a desktop, it’s not that big of a deal seeing as PDFs can be opened in a new tab just like a website.

On mobile devices, however, PDFs need to be downloaded and then opened before they can be used. This has a number of downsides.

For one, it’s inefficient. It uses up unnecessary data on the downloader’s mobile plan. It also takes time which could be better spent doing something else.

Secondly, it also raises questions of security. PDFs have been known to contain security risks like viruses which cause some to be wary when downloading.

You don’t want your audience to have to think too much when they’re engaging with your content. You want them to be able to open your website with abandon so they can explore all that your company has to offer.

3. Gather Useful Data

When you learn how to convert PDF to HTML, your document can be useful in all manner of other unexpected ways. Websites can be a treasure trove of useful user data – when they’re formatted properly.

HTML formatting lets you create areas for specific types of data. You could make a form with fields for ‘Name’, ‘Address’, ‘Email Address’, or anything else you can think of.

If you play things out just right, you can build a mailing list or launch an eCommerce site in an hour or less!

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Every day, earth-shattering, life-changing new technologies are being created. It’s one of the most exciting times in history to be alive but it’s a lot to keep up with!

Whether you’re wanting to know how to convert PDF to HTML or how to easily recover your data, you’ll find it here! Browse the rest of our site to stay on the vanguard of cutting-edge technology.