
Top 5 Reasons to Choose Laravel for Your Next PHP Development Project?

During the early stages of project development, one of the most challenging aspects is ensuring the appropriate framework is selected for the project. When selecting a framework for a project, there are many other factors to consider in addition to the framework itself. Some of these factors include third-party integrations, deployment, and testing.

Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Yii 2, Phalcon, CakePHP, Zend, and Slim are some of the many PHP frameworks available. Other options include Slim. There is also the option of slim.

Laravel framework, on the other hand, has maintained its position as the PHP MVC framework with the greatest number of users over the previous few years. Active Logic is a website that offers Laravel framework solutions; thereby, it can provide you with useful information and its usage benefits.

Laravel framework is one of the most popular repositories on GitHub. This is because it has received more than 45,000 reviews.

What is Laravel Framework?

Taylor Otwell created the Laravel framework, a free, open-source PHP web framework, to compete with CodeIgniter. This framework has a significant influence on the design patterns used by Symfony. Laravel is designed and maintained by Otwell.

As a result of version 3’s edition of the Artisan Command Line Interface (CLI), database support, and migrations, an increasing number of users are gravitating toward this framework. In addition, a new packaging method was created, and it is referred to as bundles.

Why choose Laravel Framework?

There are many reputable Laravel development businesses, each with a team of expert Laravel developers. Here are the various reasons why you should be choosing Laravel framework for your next development project.

1. A Packaging System

A package management system takes care of the supporting software and libraries for web app. Laravel’s packages are managed and their dependencies maintained with the help of the dependency management tool known as Composer.

Packages give us immediate access to the functionality we require, making them an excellent tool for accelerating development. Image, the Laravel Debug bar, and Laravel IDE assistance are all components that may be found in various of the most popular Laravel packages.

2. Multiple File System

Laravel supports both local and online storage. Files can be served from any of the three systems including NFS (Network File System), CIFS (Common Internet File System), and SMB (Server Message Block) simultaneously in a distributed environment. Changing storage settings is made simple using the same APIs across all these systems. It also serves Hodoop and NetWare.

3. Templating Engine

Laravel’s Blade Template Engine is a component of the framework. One or more templates and a data model can be used to create views with the Blade templating engine. The internal mapping between Blades’ if/else statements loop and their PHP counterparts are extensively documented.


Laravel framework’s out-of-the-box features make it a great choice for building web apps for small and large businesses. Several built-in features help speed up the development process for programmers. The best thing about the Laravel framework is the official packages.