
Why Is One of My AirPods Not Working

The convenience of AirPods cannot be overstated: small, wireless, and with quality sound. However, like all tech gadgets, they aren’t exempt from occasional glitches. One common issue users face is when one AirPod stops working. This article delves into the reasons behind this problem and offers potential solutions.

Anatomy of the Problem

Before troubleshooting, it’s crucial to understand the potential root causes. AirPods, while minimalist in design, comprise intricate hardware and software.

  1. Battery Issues: Uneven battery drain can result in one AirPod dying before the other.
  2. Connectivity Glitches: The AirPods connect via Bluetooth, and sometimes, one might fail to establish a stable connection.
  3. Dirt and Debris: The small size means tiny grilles can get clogged, affecting sound output.
  4. Software Bugs: Occasionally, software glitches might prevent one AirPod from functioning correctly.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check the Battery: Ensure both AirPods are fully charged. Uneven battery levels might lead to one dying before the other.
  2. Reconnect Bluetooth: Disconnect the AirPods from your device, then reconnect. This often resolves minor connectivity issues.
  3. Clean Your AirPods: Gently clean any debris from the AirPods using a soft, dry lint-free cloth. Avoid using sharp objects or liquids.
  4. Reset Your AirPods: Resetting them can resolve software-related issues. To reset:
    • Place the AirPods in the charging case but keep the lid open.
    • Press and hold the button on the back of the case until the light flashes amber and then white.
    • Reconnect to your device.
  5. Check Stereo Balance: On some devices, the audio balance can be adjusted between left and right. Ensure the balance is set to the middle.
  6. Update Your Device: Ensure your connected device (iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.) is running the latest software. Compatibility issues can sometimes arise with outdated software.

Seeking Professional Help

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, it might be time to consult with Apple Support. They can run diagnostics and guide you on potential repairs or replacements.

Preservation Tips

To avoid future problems:

  1. Store Properly: Always place your AirPods in their charging case when not in use.
  2. Avoid Moisture: While newer models have water resistance, it’s still a good idea to avoid excessive moisture.
  3. Regular Cleaning: Clean your AirPods gently every few weeks.


Q: I’ve reset my AirPods multiple times, but the issue persists. What next?

    • A: If resetting doesn’t help, it’s advisable to contact Apple Support or visit an Apple Store for professional assistance.

Q: Why does one AirPod die faster than the other?

    • A: If one AirPod frequently manages audio (like Siri or phone calls), it might drain faster. However, if the problem is consistent, it might be a battery issue.

Q: Are there any risks in cleaning AirPods with liquids?

    • A: Yes, avoid using liquids directly. Moisture can damage the internal components, even if the exterior appears dry.

Q: Do software updates really impact AirPod functionality?

    • A: Absolutely. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can directly affect AirPod performance.

In Conclusion

While AirPods offer a seamless listening experience, occasional hitches are part and parcel of tech gadgets. The key lies in understanding the issue and troubleshooting systematically. With the right approach, you can enjoy uninterrupted melodies and calls, just as Apple intended.